Are Walking Pads Worth It?

Are you feeling the effects of a sedentary lifestyle? Sitting at your desk all day can take a major toll on your mental and physical health. So if you’re looking for an easy way to get more movement in during the workday, a walking pad may be the answer!

Walking pads, aka an under-the-desk treadmill, are compact, portable machines that allow you to stay active while still being productive. In this article, we will examine everything there is to know about walking pads - from their pros and cons, who they are for, and how to use them effectively. So whether you’re an office worker stuck behind a desk or a remote employee wanting to add more activity to your day-to-day routine, let’s explore what these revolutionary pieces of technology have to offer!

Do walking pads work? What are the benefits?

There are a lot of trends out there that come and go with the wind. You may be wondering if walking pads are just a trend that you can let pass you by or an effective tool for maintaining your health.

Whether or not walking pads are here to stay, I couldn’t say. However, I think that walking pads are the perfect way to stay active and improve your overall health without leaving your home or office.

WalkingPad Folding Treadmill

Not only do they provide an easy and convenient way for people with busy schedules to sneak in some exercise, but they also offer a range of health benefits that make them well worth considering. For example, walking pads help you burn calories, tone muscles, improve cardiovascular fitness, reduce stress levels, improve posture and balance, aid digestion, and enhance your mood and energy level - all while being easy on your joints.

In addition, walking pads allow you to walk while still being productive - they are the ideal place to make a customer service call or plan your next visit to the secretary of state. The quiet motors on these under-the-desk treadmills even make it possible to take Zoom calls. However, it is impossible to hide the movement of your body while on a video call if discretion is truly a concern.

Lastly, walking itself is one of the best exercises out there. It is how most of the older population burns calories throughout the day. So when the weather sucks or you are stuck working, walking pads are the perfect way to get your steps in. With adjustable speeds and built-in calorie counters, you can use them casually or for an exercise session that will have you feeling refreshed and energized!

What speed should you walk on your under-the-desk treadmill?

Well, that depends on what you are doing! If you are taking a break and walking while watching tv, I’d suggest whatever pace you find comfortable, and if you are going back to meetings after your break, then a speed slow enough that you don’t break a sweat.

When using a walking pad at work, it is crucial to set a steady pace that you can sustain for the duration of your walk. Walking too fast can lead to fatigue and may even affect your productivity. A moderate walking speed of 2 mph is a good starting point, as this pace allows you to move comfortably while still being able to carry out tasks on your computer or phone.

Picking up the pace every now and then for short bursts of faster walking can also provide additional benefits such as improved cardiovascular health, increased calorie burn, and improved coordination. Additionally, varying your walking speeds throughout the day may help keep you alert and focused on the tasks at hand.

However, speed is a very personal thing that your height and physical fitness will largely determine. There is no universal speed for everyone. Start slow and increase if you are comfortable or bored. Now that we’ve touched on speed let’s talk about duration.

How long should you walk on your desk treadmill?

Again, the duration of your walking sessions will largely depend on your fitness level and goals. Beginners should start with shorter sessions, such as 20-30 minutes, to build endurance and not get too sweaty at your desk. Although depending on the pace you set, you may find that even on your first day, you can walk for much longer or much less. The pace will play a significant role in the duration of your walk.

If you are already fit, aim for 45 minutes to an hour of walking daily. Even if you can’t walk it continuously for one session, breaking it up into smaller increments is still beneficial. Walking short distances throughout the day can add up over time, so any steps you can sneak in are fantastic!

WalkingPad Folding Treadmill

Different durations provide different benefits; longer walks increase cardiovascular endurance, mental health, and aerobic capacity. At the same time, shorter walks may be used to burn a few extra calories or for relaxation purposes.

Regardless of the duration of your walking pad use, make sure to stay hydrated and take breaks when needed - especially if you’re new to physical activity. Walking is exercise, and going from not walking to walking all the time can leave you sore. It may even hurt your feet. So take your time and build up to longer durations.

Who should use a walking pad?

Anyone who wants to get some extra steps in throughout their day and doesn’t want to walk outside. One thing to note is that not all walking pads have guard rails to hold on to, so if you struggle with balance or are concerned about falling, keep that in mind when purchasing one.

Other than that, people of all ages can use a walking pad, and I’ve even seen some dogs using them on the internet.

Are there any downsides to a walking pad?

The only downside to using a walking pad is that it might be a bit harder to work while walking than you think. If you are doing something involving intense concentration, focusing while walking can be tricky.

I’ve found typing long-form content and formatting to be particularly challenging when walking, as they both require precise movements. However, voice-to-text works well while getting your steps in, so writing is still an option. In addition, using a mouse is far easier than using a trackpad while walking, and you might want to make the switch if that is something you use.

If you use a cheap walking pad, it also might be loud, and people will hear it on your phone calls. This leads us to our next section:

How do you choose a walking pad?

There are hundreds of walking pads and under-the-desk treadmills out there, and it can be overwhelming to choose one. If you want a reputable walking pad company, I’d go with the original, WalkingPad. They are the Kleenex of the under-desk-treadmill industry.

They make many different models at many different price points, and they pioneered foldable options. They offer discounts on literally every holiday, so I’d wait to purchase until the next one. They are lightweight, easy to move, quiet, and thin.

If not WalkingPad, I’d go cheap. Amazon has a lot of different walking pad options, and I’d look in the reviews for the quietest one. There are always sales running on Amazon for these products as they are all competing with very similar products from similar manufacturers overseas.

There is nothing wrong with a cheap option. They are just heavier, louder, and generally harder to move. Some of them look like regular treadmills with the display chopped off. However, they will absolutely get the job done. Of course, your purchase depends on your needs and your space.

Lastly, a question I’ve seen asked a lot is, is there a difference between a walking pad and an under-the-desk treadmill? The answer is no; it is just branding. WalkingPad is a company that either intentionally or accidentally renamed the product and created the terminology, like Kleenex for tissues or Sharpie for black markers.

When it comes down to it, you don’t need a walking pad to get more steps. Walking is the most accessible exercise and has no entry barrier. You don’t need to wait for any product; you can start right now. You can walk around your house, or you can go outside; walking is free. So, even if the weather isn’t great if you are still reading this, I’m sure you have a coat, put it on, and take a stroll. Or grab a walking pad; the choice is yours.


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