Can I Lose Weight Just By Drinking Water?

Water water everywhere, and luckily there is plenty to drink. One of the best ways to get healthier and lose weight is to start drinking more water. Us humans are at least 60% water, and drinking sufficient amounts is essential for us to function correctly. 

Water aids in digestion, prevents constipation and hemorrhoids. It regulates your body temperature, normalizes your blood pressure, and stabilizes your heartbeat. And that just scratches the surface; water plays a role in almost every bodily function.

lose weight water alone

Mick Jenkins said it best: “drink more water, or you might die.” 

Adequate water intake is an essential aspect of any weight loss program and, in the case of a water fast, the only aspect.

Can I lose weight just by drinking water? 

Yes. You can lose weight by simply adding more water to your diet. Typically when people increase their water intake, they decrease their intake of sugary beverages. Which, in turn, reduces their daily caloric intake and causes weight loss over time. 

In addition, water makes you feel satiated and can help decrease the amount of food you eat daily. Try having a glass of water before and during every meal to reap the full rewards.

A growing trend in the weight loss industry is fasting, intermittent fasting, cleanses, and water fasts are all the rage lately. I already have an article on intermittent fasting and its benefits. Cleanses are a complete waste of money. And water fasts have had insane success in prediabetic and diabetic populations. 

You might have clicked on this article because you were curious about trying a water fast on your own, I wouldn’t recommend that, but it’s a free country. 

Is it safe to do a water fast at home?

No, if you intend to truly water fast, you need a medical professional to monitor you. 

If you stop eating sufficient calories, at some point, you are probably going to pass out and hurt yourself. Avoid hot showers or extreme temperature changes, and avoid strenuous activity. 

I strongly advise against attempting a fast without a professional.

Suppose you want to ignore all that and still attempt an extreme weight loss technique less dangerously. Let’s talk about that. 

If I were a coach for the biggest loser, I wouldn’t have my competitors do any exercise besides walking. I am a professional strength coach, and I would not use strength training to achieve the weight loss goals. 

Instead, I would have my group sit around all day in comfortable chairs, reading books, playing board games, and video games. I would just have them enjoy themselves and walk for a minimum of thirty minutes a day.

drinking water weight loss

I would have them drink water and bone broth to their heart’s content during the day and have a nice salad for dinner. The salad would contain a modest amount of protein and some vitamin c. That would be their whole day.

They would lose more weight than the other team working out five hours a day because, in the end, their calorie deficit would be slightly larger. 

Unfortunately, in the real world, you’d still have to go to work, do physically strenuous things, and go to social events. And you’d have to do those things without ripping anyone’s face off due to hunger pains.

Still, if you are considering a cleanse that costs you $$$$$ and going to the grocery store for bone broth and salad ingredients. You are much better off with the latter.

pouring water

If you are looking for more information on how you should fast, look at Dr. Jason Fung’s content. The best way to lose weight is slowly over time. I am not a doctor and I wouldn’t recommend extreme calorie deficit diets to anyone. Intermittent fasting is the safest way to add fasting to your routine. 

The current drifted me away from water for a second here. So let’s get back to it: 

How much water should I drink per day?

How much water you drink per day depends on various factors, including your size, your activity level, and your climate. On average, women should drink 2-3 liters per day, and men should drink 3-4 liters per day. However, take that with a grain of salt. 

There are a lot of additional factors that dictate how much water you should drink. Like your food’s fluid content, if you plan to eat soup and watermelon all day, you don’t need to drink as much water. Altitude, exercise, breastfeeding, and current health will all play a role in how much water you should drink. Talk to your doctor for a truly personalized recommendation.

how much water

Can you lose belly fat by drinking water? 

Absolutely, drinking water can help you lose belly fat. The decrease in total calories per day will help you lose body fat. Unfortunately, we don’t get to choose where we lose our body weight; it is mainly determined by genetics. 

If you are someone who holds a lot of their weight in their belly, then it will be one of the first places you notice a difference. However, if you are part of the population that holds their weight in their lower body and thighs, you’ll likely initially lose weight in your lower body.

drinking water fat

There is no such thing as spot reduction. You cannot do enough sit-ups to lose weight in your belly. Burning more calories through sit-ups, for example, will cause fat loss and can help develop more defined abdominal muscles. The fat loss will be from your whole body, not necessarily your belly. 

In the end, if your goal is weight loss, the easiest way to start is by drinking more water!


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