How To Get Abs Using Only Kettlebells

kettlebell abs

Kettlebells are a versatile tool. They can be used to develop power, strength, and mobility, in addition to washboard abs. “Getting Abs” is difficult because a lot goes into body composition: diet, genetics, sleep, stress, and of course, exercise. You cannot merely do crunches and develop six-pack abs. If it were that easy, everyone would have them.  

In fact, doing crunches and side bends is almost a waste of time when it comes to developing ripped abdominals. Besides your glutes, your abs are the largest muscles in your body and can be trained in a variety of different ways. However, a great rule of thumb is big muscles should be trained with big movements. Kettlebells are an excellent tool for practicing big movements, and single-sided movements, which are especially challenging for your abdominals.

Visible abs are considered the pinnacle of physical fitness in the 21st century, yet your abs are so much more than something nice to look at. Your abs are the most functional muscles in your body. They prevent back pain when lifting things. They help stabilize you and help you keep your balance. Not to mention how significant your abs are when it comes to breathing and pooping. 

Needless to say, your abs are incredibly important, and so is how you train them. You can obtain a six-pack using just kettlebells to train your abs with these six movements. Unlike most “ab workouts,” these exercises will help build your body composition as a whole.


1. Single-Leg RDL

Single-Leg RDLs are one of the best exercises regardless of what you are looking to train. However, depending on how you load this exercise, it can become a real ab builder. To challenge your abs more during a single leg RDL, load the side opposite of the leg you are standing on. Keep your hips and chest squared towards the ground as you lower. The heavier the kettlebell you use, the harder your abs will have to work to keep you stable and square.

single-leg rdl abs

2. Push Press March (Single-Arm)

A push press is already a total body exercise, but including a march after each rep will add some serious core work. Just like the single-leg RDL, the more weight you use on this exercise, the more challenging it will be on your core.

Since marching like this is essentially alternating between balancing on one foot (a core exercise) while doing an overhead carry (a more challenging core exercise), this two for one exercise will help you get those abs to pop.

kettlebell abs overhead

3. Renegade Row

A renegade row is another excellent total body exercise. This row is performed in the plank position, which makes it an incredibly challenging core exercise, and holding yourself up the whole time burns your shoulders too.

kettlebell abs renegade row

4. Rack Squats (Single Arm)

Anytime you hold weight in front of your body, it is a challenging core exercise. Offset that weight, and the challenge increases. Maintaining the weight in the rack position will help you build your arms as well as your abs and glutes.

kettlebell abs squats

5. Turkish Get-Up

Can you really make a list of kettlebell exercises without including a Turkish Get-Up? You could, but the list would be incomplete. 

A great way to tell the efficiency of an exercise is to look at how far the weight travels. Compare a calf raise to a squat, and you’ll see what I mean. The Turkish Get-Up moves a weight above your head from the floor to standing and then back to the floor. Each movement inside the Turkish Get-Up is an ab exercise when performed individually, the get-up sit-up, the half windmill, and the overhead lunge. When performed all together as a Turkish Get-Up, it puts your abs to work.

kettlebell abs tgu

6. Kettlebell Swings

The kettlebell swing is the king of kettlebell exercises. It is the first thing people think of when they see a kettlebell and for good reason, kettlebell swings are one of the best exercises known to man, they challenge your whole posterior chain, as well as your abs.

If you could only do one exercise for the rest of your life, the kettlebell swing would be a good choice. I tried the 100 Kettlebell swings a day challenge and gained some major core strength.

Something to note when training for aesthetics or abs: “looking fit” is mostly a product of the ratio from your shoulders to your hips. If you have big shoulders and a skinny waist, you will appear more physically fit than someone with slender shoulders and a six-pack.  That is why exercises 2-5 all challenge your shoulders somehow and what makes kettlebells great for getting abs! 

Kettlebells can help develop power, endurance, mobility, stability, and a rock hard abdomen depending on how you use them.

However, in order to see those abs you’ll have to lose belly fat, so start by eating foods that burn belly fat and healthy snacks.


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