What Should You Eat Every Day?

Creating and maintaining a healthy diet is challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. Trying to figure out what to eat every single day can be a difficult task. In a world with 10,000 options, how do you know what to choose?

Every food mentioned in this article is either high in protein, high in fiber, or has a high water content. Foods in these categories are far more filling than other foods, and feeling satiated makes maintaining a healthy lifestyle much easier. Therefore, one of the most effective diet plans is choosing a few healthy, satiating foods to add to your daily diet.

what to eat

This strategy directly contrasts with the restrictive dieting promoted across social media and diet books.

Restrictive dieting is a diet where some expert tells you not to eat sugar or carbohydrates ever again. Then, you try it for two weeks, have a piece of sugar, decide the diet is stupid, and completely forget about it.

Modern dieting is often presented in a deplorable fashion. It presents healthy eating as some sort of virtue, and if you do not constantly adhere to clean eating, you’ve somehow failed. Or you don’t have strong enough will or enough motivation. This notion is bullshit. I never tell my clients not to eat something. Has anyone ever told you not to do something? Did it immediately make you think about doing that thing?

modern dieting

For example, eat less, no more junk food, no more carbs, or whatever the latest fad is.

Maybe I’m just a rebel, but if you tell me not to eat a Reeses ever again, I’ll probably eat one by the end of the day.

Instead of popular restrictive dieting, I recommend adding foods to your daily diet. The more healthy foods you can add to your diet, the less room in your belly there will be for shitty ones. Think about it, what is more attainable and sustainable?

Never eat “junk food” or try to have a salad for lunch a few times a week. Eating salad for lunch a few times a week will be far more effective in the long term because it is an achievable goal.

daily diet salad

That is how you have to look at dieting if you want to live a healthy lifestyle. Focus on what you can do and not on restricting yourself. I promise this little mindset shift will take the chore of dieting and turn it into an easy lifestyle change.

It is hard to quit any habit cold turkey, whether it’s cigarettes, tv, or donuts. With dieting, though, you don’t have to quit cold turkey. You aren’t dead yet; if you want a donut, eat a fucking donut. Just don’t eat one every single day. Long-term effective dieting is about eating foods you enjoy!

Ideally, mostly healthy ones, but even the unhealthy ones are part of what makes your life your own. I grew up in a Jewish household and celebrated most of the holidays. Whenever my Mother makes Kugel, I eat it. It is essentially noodles, egg, cheese, cinnamon, and lots of sugar. I promise it’s more appetizing than it sounds, but it’s pretty unhealthy.

Would I eat it daily? Absolutely not; I’d get fat.

The best way to improve your body composition and maintain it is to focus on the healthy foods you eat daily. Here are a few examples to choose from:



Eggs are a perfect protein, meaning they contain all nine essential amino acids. In addition, they are a low-calorie food and are filling. They check all the boxes for those of us not suffering from high cholesterol.


Is a phenomenal breakfast option and a staple of many people’s diets. Oatmeal is a high-fiber food that will keep you satiated for hours after breakfast. Overnight oats can also be prepped easily for the week with some mason jars and fridge space, making it easier to manage the perfect portion size and take it to go.


A salad a day is a diet in itself. Imagine if you replaced one of your meals a day with a low-calorie salad, you could lose a significant amount of weight. Be careful with the dressing; chopping up a beautiful 500-calorie salad is excellent unless you dump 500 more calories worth of dressing on top. Fat-free Italian is a great option for those hoping to shed a few pounds.


This one may come as a surprise because most people don’t consider potatoes healthy. When I say potato, you may hear french fries, potato chips, or tater tots. Instead, I’d like you to think boiled or baked. Potatoes get a bad rap because they are most often found deep-fried and dipped in sauce. However, baked or boiled potatoes are a healthy option for any meal. They have been ranked the most satiating food on the planet, and I have an article on the other most filling foods if you are interested. In addition, potatoes are high in fiber and contain antioxidants and vitamins.


Yogurt Is a great snack and the most delicious thing on this list. Yogurt is great for your tummy as it is a natural probiotic. In terms of calories, it can vary significantly on the type of yogurt you eat. I’m not a psychopath, so I won’t recommend getting only plain yogurt, although it generally is the healthiest. I would avoid ones that have added bits of cookies in them. Yogurt is a high protein, convenient, and delicious.


Fish, in general, is an easy way to eat healthily. Whether it’s tuna in a bag or a nice salmon fillet, fish is low calorie, high protein, and filled with omega-3 fatty acids. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals and can be a great way to add extra protein to your salads.


Baked, boiled, or grilled chicken is a great dinner option for anyone trying to lose weight. It is a high-protein food that can be served thousands of ways, so you never get bored of it. Avoid the fried and nugget varieties, and you can eat chicken daily.


Cucumbers are my favorite “diet” foods. If you want to lose weight, think about adding cucumbers to your diet. Cucumbers have almost no calories and are very filling. I always recommend them as snacks for people on a weight loss journey. For more snack ideas, here is an article all about snacks.

Fruits and Vegetables

This category is a bit vague, but it is unnecessary to give each fruit or vegetable its own section, except for cucumbers, of course. No one has ever gotten fat eating fruits and vegetables. It is simply too challenging to do. Fruits and vegetables have high water content and high fiber, so it is hard to eat enough of them to gain weight. Adding fruits and veggies to your diet is the most uncomplicated diet advice that actually works.


You may think this one is a little obvious because if you don’t drink water, well, you’ll die. However, drinking only water or only zero-calorie beverages is a great way to lose a few pounds. In addition, foods with high water content such as soups and watermelon can help you stay full throughout the day. I’ve written an entire article about using water to lose weight, but a great rule of thumb is don’t drink your calories.


No matter what you choose to add to your diet, remember that there is no one-size-fits-all diet. Each person on this earth has an ideal diet that varies from yours. Anyone who tries to sell you a one size fits all diet plan is full of shit. Instead, try adding some of these foods to your daily diet and see how you feel. Keep the ones you like and ignore the ones you don’t.


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